WFM Tabular Forecast Interpretation

Forecast Period: The forecast period is the period of peak burning conditions, typically between Noon and Midnight.

Sky Condition: The sky condition is a description of the amount of cloud expected in the forecast area throughout the forecast period.

Sky Condition Sky Code
Mainly Sunny SU
Partly Cloudy PC
Mix Sun & Cloud MX
Mainly Cloudy CL
Increasing Cloudiness IC
Clearing CR
Overcast OV
Clear skies overnight SKC

Note – The distinction between PC and MX is as follows...MX implies more dynamic changes with a mix of sky conditions that can range from overcast ,sunny or partly cloudy over the period. PC implies more consistent conditions with generally partial cloud cover throughout the period.

Maximum Temperature: The maximum temperature (in degrees C) expected in the forecast area.

Minimum Low Relative Humidity: The minimum relative humidity expected in the forecast area in percentage. This parameter can vary widely in a given area, and is aimed at the drier stations within the forecast zone.

Afternoon/Evening Winds today including any gusts expected: The forecasted winds are based on the maximum afternoon/evening wind speed expected in the zone, and in the predominant direction. The speed is in km/h, and the cardinal direction to 16 points of the compass. Gusts are indicated when at least 10 km/h above the average wind speed.

Example: SE > SW 20 G 30: Light SE winds shifting to SW winds 20 gusting 30 km/h

Precipitation Cover/Type: This indicates the predominant type of precipitation expected. More than one precipitation type may be reported at a time.

Precipitation Type Precipitation Code Precipitation Intensity
Rain R- R R+ Light(-) Moderate ( ) Heavy(+)
Snow S- S S+ Light(-) Moderate ( ) Heavy(+)
Rain Shower RW- RW RW+ Light(-) Moderate ( ) Heavy(+)
Flurries, Snow Shower SW- SW SW+ Light(-) Moderate ( ) Heavy(+)
Thundershower, Thunderstorm T Remarks

Exampe (40 | TRw-): The parameter that indicates the area coverage expected over the next 24 hours is prefixed to the precipitation type. Coverage is expressed as a percent: a forecast of 40% would mean that 4 out of every 10 stations in the forecast area should get 0.2mm or more precipitation during the forecast period. For forecast zones where there are few stations, the percentage value is a rough indication of the coverage over the region and is purely a subjective qualifier. Precipitation amounts expected above 0.6mm will generally be included in the comments section.

Intensity Type: The intensity of precipitation is based on rain rate or rate of snow water equivalent. Light(-) means it is greater than 0.1 mm per hour and up to 2.5 mm per hour. Moderate ( ) indicates a rate between 2.6 and 7.5 mm per hour. Heavy (+) indicates a rate of 7.5 mm per hour or greater.

Light (-) Moderate ( ) Heavy (+)
0.1 - 2.5 (mm/h) 2.5 - 7.5 (mm/h) > 7.5 (mm/h)

Lightning Confidence for valid period:

Forecasted Lightning Confidence
- confident of no activity
L (low) slight risk of activity
M (moderate) 50% confidence
H (high) confident of activity

Strictly speaking, this is not a forecast of lightning frequency or amount, although if conditions are very unstable and several storms are expected in an area, there will likely be more lightning than if the atmosphere is only slightly unstable and only isolated thunderstorms are expected. There is not a 1:1 correlation between the degree of instability and the number of lightning strikes that occur. The lightning confidence is usually clarified in the synopsis, and based on the following guidelines:

Comments: Additional descriptive comments to help qualify the fire weather conditions expected for the period. Examples would include qualifiers to precipitation coverage and amounts, wind shifts, frontal passage, maximum gust with thunderstorm, dry/wet lightning, severe weather such as hail/tornado, and/or any comments to improve safety on the fire line. A dash (-) will be use when there is no comment.

Forecaster who issued the current forecast: ayaworski, tatkinson, kraisanen or hdagenais